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Vu sur Modaco :
Gizmodo are reporting this: Even though the new and improved 2003 version of the Smartphone operating system has been available for a few months, Samsung's i600 handset currently sells with the older 2002 version of the software. When we asked Samsung about this at CES, we were told that they have an i600 with Smartphone 2003 in the works and that it should be ready soon. And what about anyone who has already bought one? Well, rather than force people to buy a new phone if they want to get an i600 with the latest OS, Samsung is going to offer an existing owners an upgrade to Smartphone 2003.
This is great news for i600 owners, and hopefully Orange and Motorola will follow suit by releasing upgrades for the SPV/E100 and the Motorola MPx200.
Donc apparemment Samsung va sortir une mise à jour de 2002 vers 2003 très bientôt !!!! UN ESPOIR POUR NOS SPV ?
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